
Your purchases made on the site they are typically delivered in 2-3 working days from the orderThis value represents the sum of the preparation time for your package at our warehouse (which generally takes place within 1 working day) and the actual shipping time operated by our courier SDA (1-2 working days in most Italian locations). By "working days" we naturally mean from Monday to Friday, excluding Italian national holidays. In exceptional cases, shipping may be delayed due to force majeure (for example weather events, strikes, etc.).

For all orders equal to or greater than 19 euros, shipping is always free.For orders less than 19 euros you will be charged the shipping cost, equal to €5.60 VAT included .

Currently Cool Net SRL delivers only on Italian territory, including the islands.



Your purchases made on the site they are typically delivered in 2-3 working days from the order.
This value represents the sum of the preparation time for your package at our warehouse (which generally occurs within 1 working day) and the actual shipping time operated by our courier SDA (1-2 working days in most Italian locations).
By "working days" we naturally mean from Monday to Friday, excluding Italian national holidays. In exceptional cases, shipping may be delayed due to force majeure (for example weather events, strikes, etc.).


For all orders equal to or greater than 19.80 euros, shipping is always free.
For orders under €19.80 you will be charged the shipping cost of €5.60 including VAT.


Cool Net SRL currently carries out deliveries on Italian territory only, including islands.