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With today's post I would like to start a discussion on a particular dynamic present in the Italian advertising landscape characterized by the absence of a specific type of products.

Before we proceed, let me post a couple of videos to introduce the topic.

The one just seen is the commercial for Chilly, a well-known line of feminine intimate hygiene products.
But let's continue with the second spot.

This time it is a product dedicated to combating female intimate discomfort.

It is not at all uncommon to come across advertisements like the ones we have just seen, at any time of the day.
Very good. Now close your eyes, concentrate and try to think about the last time you saw a commercial dedicated to male intimate hygiene or discomfort related to the male genital area. I imagine that your memory is chock-full of this type of advertising. What do you say? You don't remember even one? How strange.

It will certainly depend on the fact that male human beings do not require intimate hygiene and never manifest, during their life, problems related to the genital area; certainly there will be no connection between the absence of VISIBILITY of these themes of the male sphere and the belief in poor hygiene in males still widespread today, as well as with the ideas and stereotypes that want the male as far away as possible from the environment of body and self-care, so that he can preserve his virility and do not approach the terrible and frightening feminine .

The only thing that is preserved by not encouraging boys and men to take care of their genital area is a higher risk of problems related to the genital area .

As often happens, the average individual tends not to see/conceive the problem and, at the same time, to minimize its importance. And yet – to put it in simple words that can reach anyone – what this lack of advertising for men's intimate hygiene and health does in essence ( both in the eyes of the little ones who still lack crucial information and knowledge of the world and things, and in that of the older ones who experience the world, people and themselves) It is the communication of the non-necessity , on the part of men, to take care of that sphere; to strengthen the invisibility of that kind of problems and needs , which damages both those who are personally affected by them ( because they are particularly attentive to intimate hygiene or because they have experienced difficulties in the genital area ), and those who already start from a state of non-care.

Anyone with personal experience runs the risk of feeling alienated , uncomfortable, perceiving oneself as not in line with one's own gender ( less male ), one might feel ashamed of one's status and will not willingly talk about it – it is the obvious consequence of doing something that has not been characterised as 'normal' ( the visibility and representation are fundamental as act as normalizers ).
Those who start from an untreatable condition, however, run the risk of perform insufficient personal hygiene , as well as not being able to cope with or even recognize any problems manifested in the area. Added to this is the well-known male difficulty ( certainly not by nature, but by culture – the topic under discussion is an example of what feeds that type of culture ) in getting examined, especially when the affected part of the body is the genital-anal one. The potential consequences of this reality are enormous and it is important to talk about it!

Culturally and socially we have created a sort of very dangerous taboo around male intimate hygiene and care ( a taboo which, as we have seen, is clearly and directly linked to a whole series of dynamics and consequences ).
The fact that this stigma is still present is serious and I believe it is of great importance to fight this harmful presence.
Let everyone, therefore, get it into their heads that:

  • Men's intimate hygiene is no less important than women's. Not at all, even more so if we consider that the penis lacks the self-cleaning characteristic of the vagina ( this does not imply that hygiene is not necessary for women – especially since the vulva does not only include the vagina ).
  • The male intimate system is at considerable risk of infections and problems, which are often asymptomatic and difficult to identify . Knowledge and availability of specific products is of crucial importance. As regards products for the treatment of male genital infections, these vary depending on the infection in question. To treat male candidiasis ( it is serious but understandable, for the reasons explained in the post, that many do not even know that men can contract it ), for example, they usually prescribe the same drugs specific for female candidiasis. For intimate itching, however, sometimes it is sufficient soothing creams . In case of problems, relying on professionals is important. If you have hesitations or fears, try to talk about it with someone ( friends, girlfriends, family, online acquaintances, therapists, girlfriends ). Overcoming these barriers is important, It will not make you less of a man, but healthier, and with greater ownership of yourself and your body .

AND It's time to break down the stigma surrounding men's personal hygiene.
AND time to normalize, represent male intimate hygiene and give it visibility.
I can only hope that some brand wakes up and finally decides to propose commercials that advertise products of this type. But, until then, it is it's important to make yourself heard, as it is in the presence of any other evident injustice and/or problem.


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