Intimate hygiene , this unknown. This is the merciless summary of a survey conducted by AOGOI (Italian Association of Hospital Obstetricians and Gynecologists) from which it emerged that, due to the poor hygiene , 52% of women suffer from itching and intimate discomfort , 48% of burning , 33% of vaginal discharge (with consequent bad smells ) and 28% of them have ache during sexual intercourse . One in two women giving up sex because of vaginal problems due to poor hygiene ; in fact, 19% of men and 17% of women have ended a romantic relationship due to the partner's poor personal hygiene.
A discouraging picture, which gets worse when we talk about male intimate hygiene : there are still few men who have understood the importance of adequate intimate hygiene and taking care of your genital system . Andrologists from SIA (Italian Society of Andrology) explain which prove how many young males do not respect the basic rules of daily cleaning , risking infections , redness and irritation of the private parts . In this they are not helped by women: only a small percentage of them know the intimate hygiene habits of your partner. In short, a debacle on all fronts. The question that arises is: How to fix it ?
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Which intimate cleanser should I use?