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Intimate hygiene male requires dedicated products that respect the hydrolipidic balance of such a delicate area of ​​the body. Men's preference is for those body cleansing products that are both delicate and fresh. intimate wash best male is, therefore, a gel fresh , with mint extracts or tea tree oil. Ideal especially after a day of sports, the cleansing gel for male intimate hygiene is also emollient and delicate (with a neutral pH).

Another of the most requested features by men is its antibacterial efficacy: the antibacterial intimate hygiene cleansing gel, in fact, ensures total protection from germs and pathogens often present in places where it is practiced. sport. The ideal formulations for male intimate hygiene contain tea tree oil, aloe vera and marine extracts. The most suitable texture is instead the gel one to be used also in the shower.

Proper hygiene is a good way to prevent the proliferation of bacteria, which cause numerous disorders and infections.


Washing is important, but excess can be counterproductive: it is a good habit to wash once, maximum twice a day and, as for women, it is good to take care of your hygiene after each sexual intercourse and after being at the beach or in the swimming pool , activities that can expose you to contact with bacteria.

Let's see together how to wash. The two protagonists are, of course, water and soap. You need to choose a soap suitable for the pH of the male genital system , which is different from that of the female: soaps designed for women are excessively acidic for men and could therefore cause inflammation and itching.

It is advisable to choose detergents with a neutral or slightly acidic pH , which has an antibacterial action. In any case, it is necessary to avoid solutions that are not specific for intimate hygiene, which usually have a high quantity of surfactants and are therefore more aggressive.

Choosing any intimate cleanser is the first mistake that most men make. To avoid bad intimate odor and the appearance of irritation, you need to choose a specific intimate cleanser for men that is delicate and has an antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory action.

The time dedicated to intimate hygiene must include washing the penis and scrotum , often subject to increased sweating due to the presence of pubic hair and sebaceous glands. It should not be forgotten that it is not enough to wash the penis externally: the foreskin must be lowered to also wash the glans area, since some secretions collect in the balanopreputial sulcus .

Finally, it is important to remember to rinse and dry the entire area thoroughly : humidity creates an ideal environment for the proliferation of germs and bacteria!


In addition to daily cleansing, it is important to follow another small precaution: the importance of clothing and, in particular, the underwear you choose is often underestimated, which must not be synthetic . In addition, clothes that are too tight should be avoided , as they facilitate the onset of urinary tract infections. On the contrary, comfortable clothes allow the skin to breathe, especially in the hot season, when sweat can facilitate the onset of fungal infections.

For proper skin transpiration and to avoid irritation of various types, the ideal would be to prefer strictly white cotton briefs.


Maintaining proper intimate hygiene, even after sexual intercourse , is an important act of love for yourself and your partner. Washing before and after sexual intercourse protects both of you and allows you to eliminate secretions immediately. Using a condom during the entire sexual intercourse is an essential precaution to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases, especially in the case of relationships with casual partners.

Finally, it is important to remember that intimate hygiene is an important moment that also allows you to inspect the shape and volume of the testicles and evaluate the presence of any warning signs. If you notice any anomalies, discomfort or redness, you should immediately contact your trusted specialist who is your health's best friend.

Male intimate itching is a discomfort that affects the genital system and involves the glans, the scrotum, the inguinal area and the inner thigh; it is characterized by redness , swelling , flaking and possible secretions .

In relation to the frequency and especially the duration of the symptoms, intimate itching in men can be classified into three types:

    • acute : caused by infections or contact dermatitis, acute itching is short-lived but intense to the point of being unbearable.
    • chronic : chronic itching is caused by skin diseases and is mild in intensity but persists over time
    • recurrent : caused by herpes or contact dermatitis, the recurrent itching is very intense and recurs over time in a cyclical manner

In relation to the triggering causes, it is possible to make a second subdivision of intimate itching that concerns the male gender; in this sense we can distinguish this disorder into:

    • itching infectious , caused by infections of human origin bacterial , fungal or viral ; if Candida or Herpes Simplex infections are common to men and women, there are "exclusive" infections such as those caused by the fungus Ringworm Cruris , which is able to proliferate on male skin causing itching in the groin, inner thigh, scrotum and genitals associated with flaking and cracking
    • itching non-infectious , related to rubbing ( especially in obese people), wearing very tight clothing or allergic reactions
    • idiomatic itching or without matter , in the case in which the itching cannot be traced back to either infectious or non-infectious causes, but is produced by factors such as stress or emotionality.

To combat intimate itching the most important aspect is undoubtedly linked to cleanliness ; proper daily intimate hygiene can keep itching and related discomforts away.


It is not enough to just lead a good intimate hygiene with specific products, in fact, special care should also be given to pubic hair. Take care of shaving it, perhaps you could do it before the shower, so as to have the possibility of eliminating all the superfluous hair. You can use an electric razor or long sharp scissors, before proceeding with the actual shaving, moisten the pubic hair, to make it easier to cut.


Intimate hygiene is essential to ensure the correct pH of the skin and to avoid some unpleasant symptoms or very annoying infections.

Incorrect, inadequate or poor male intimate hygiene can lead to:


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